School childrens of NAVODAYA SCHOOL visited Sharanya

School Childerns Visited Sharanya : School childrens of NAVODAYA SCHOOL visited Sharanya care centre on Monday the 4th September 2023. A strength of approximately 140 children’s made on knowledge programme on plants and trees of different family and understood about its growth, leaves, bud and root. they also visited Lakshmi Divine Park and had a knowledge of Solar system and its representation by different trees and plants of its repective stars, raashis and graha’s. Childres were very much exeiting in knowing the solar system with nature. Lastly they visited patient wards and prayed for patients well being in Sharanya and to get well soon. At the end they were served with snacks and tea to dispence them to the school.
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Ayurvedic Garden

  • An Ayurvedic garden is developed at Sharanya provides by planting different medicinal plants of 250 varieties. these plants have already grown and become Trees. It is giving a healthy breeze which influences rich oxigenz one with medical values. The whole Sharanya care centre promises to be not only a building of patients’ wards but also filled with greenery plants and Trees. Natural greenery plants and Trees. A natural greenery environment is a un noticed treatment for a patient to recover from their severe condition.
  • The ayurvedic garden has more than 3000 ayurvedic herbs with powerful medical healing properties.

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Saura Mandala Vana

Nakshatra Vana, also called Nakshatravanam or Nakshatravan.. It is associated with the Sringeri Sharada Peetham monastery, and consists of 27 trees that are related to 27 Nakshatras of Indian Astrology.

There are 12 trees representing the 12 astrological signs namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign occupies 30° of celestial longitude and roughly corresponds to the star constellations and all these trees are planted in the same pattern.

The rest of the trees are planted according to the solar system with the sun in the center. All these trees have a certain influence on the planets and zodiac signs with multiple benefits.

The grove also includes over 120 medicinal plants found in the Western Ghats. At Sharanya, we have built a Nakshatra Vana to not only help conserve nature but also create a peaceful environment for our patients and staff within the Sharanya’s campus.

Chandrasuchetha Garden

The Inaugural ceremony of “CHANDRASUCHETHA GARDEN” took place on 8th October, 2021. The Ayurvedic garden was built in memory of the previous president of DSL TRUST, Shri A R Chandrshekhar Setty.

This is a small herbs and shrubs garden with powerful medical healing properties. If you sit in the forest with these medicines, the acu, a special power is created. This garden has great educational importance for the upcoming generation, as they can learn how to grow them and learn each and every plant’s medicinal importance. We have built a children’s park alongside, to engage our patients’ children who stay at Sharanya. We also have a bird gallery. Many plants are yet to be planted under proper weather conditions. Multiple coconut trees were planted around the Sharanya Campus to create a beautiful atmosphere.